IFS Internal Family Systems - Safe, patient-driven, effective relief of suffering, supportive of personal and couples growth. Excellent fit with my Change Model.

Over the past five years I have extensively trained in IFS therapy, made it my primary approach for counseling and have effectively incorporated it in my change and transition approach. Created by Richard Schwartz with a focus on the dynamic verses unified mind theory IFS offers the first, significant shift in therapy since the advent of psychoanalysis. This therapy approach is also integrated well into my Change and Transition model, delivering safe, effective, patient driven outcomes at an accelerated therapeutic pace.

The IFS Approach

IFS begins with the premise that we operate through a milt-dimentional mind (not one mind) where independent parts play specific roles in forming and managing our internal and external thinking, feeling, and relationships. In IFS all parts have purpose and good intentions, but these part may be operating from outdated beliefs and methods. The client and therapist are partners in identifying, befriending, getting to know and understand each part. In this process the client, with the therapists help, works with a part to update thinking to the present, review and unburden old ways of expressing and acting and bring the part into alignment and cooperation with other internal family system parts. In this process old trauma is neutralized, new behaviors are established, and suffering is relieved.

Overview of IFS Sessions with Merl

Sessions normally begin with a client check in. During this time the client becomes more present and Self aware. Merl works with the client to identify current issues and where they are emotionally located in the body. 

At this point the session moves internally where the IFS process is engaged and work is done, engaging the identified part with the client in the lead and Merl assisting where necessary.

Contact Merl Will-Wallace

I'm Here to Help

Please contact me with questions.

Anew Coaching & Counseling for Change

9555 East Shiloh Street, Tucson, AZ 86748

(520) 237-0862

 Call to see how I can help and to schedule a time to get together. (520) 237-0862.