Life Coaching & Counseling for Change & Transition

Discover personalized guidance and support for navigating life's transitions. Whether you're facing a career shift, relationship change, or personal growth journey, my life coaching and counseling services are here to help you thrive. Embrace change with confidence, overcome obstacles, and achieve your fullest potential

Understanding Change & Transition

If you are tired of suffering in your current condition and deeply ready for change, take one step forward to start the process with my assistance. 

Change - one or more external and/or internal discoveries that alter how we think, feel, and act. Change requires we look at and alter our way of interacting with life and what we come to experience beyond our known world. Change is an opportunity, even if it seems to be a threat. How we react to change directly affects how much joy or suffering we experience in the change process.

Transition - an internal shift in how we perceive ourself. Significant changes will always lead to a re-evaluation of who we really are. This causes a mental and emotional internal shift. In transition it is essential the old is released and the new is created with passion and enthusiasm.

Key Areas for Change & Transition

Work - a change or loss of job, a decision to  change professions or retire.
Relationships - a loss or change in personal relationships; divorce, death, conflict.
Health - an acute or chronic health issue or a desire to move to a more healthy lifestyle.
Abundance - a change in our financial position that requires us to explore what is wealth and how we create it for the good of all. 

Spiritual - a transcendence from the material to the energetic field of experience.

Understanding the Change & Transition Process

Change and transition requires us to move from our comfort zone into the unknown. It is easy to respond with fear and resistance. Understanding the positive steps to managing the change and transition process is critical to overcoming fear and resistance, making the process easier and less painful. 

Merl Will-Wallace counseling skills can help you to incorporate this unique process for change and also help you to gain key skills to use in the process. Merl provides individual and couples counseling set to your specific goals and needs through Zoom appointments via the Internet.

Change and Transition Outline

This document provides an outline that we use to assist in understanding the change and transition process during the therapy sessions. 

Contact Merl Will-Wallace

I'm Here to Help

Please contact me with questions.

Anew Coaching & Counseling for Change

9555 East Shiloh Street, Tucson, AZ 86748

(520) 237-0862

 Call to see how I can help and to schedule a time to get together. (520) 237-0862.